i finally bought my ticket for vietnam! ill be going at the start of february and i am very excited. i am also planning a trip to tasmania with christine in january, i think katie might be coming as well. meredith is also just around the corner! so much to look forward to.
ive spent the last few weeks working a lot, just trying to pick up as many shifts as i can to save up for the travel fund. it hasnt been to bad though as i really enjoy most of the people i work with/for.
this last week has been pretty busy. michael and christine were down from newcastle for a conference. leisa and al invited us all over for dinner and the next day i met up with them in st kilda for lunch. i met some of christine's family. after lunch i met pat's mom and we went down to chapel street.
i went to see the lucksmiths again last week, for their cd release. they always put on a good show.
i took a quick trip with pat and his mom to phillip island and wilson's prom. they rented a car and we all drove down together, well pat drove. he actually did a pretty good job! turned on the windshield wipers once and i only got scared about twice. it wasnt a very long drive down to phillip island and we got there right as the penguin parade was starting. we werent allowed to take photos of them because of the flash. im just going say that penguins are very cute, but smell horrible. http://www.phillipisland.net.au/penguinparade.html we stayed in a cute little hotel and got up the next day to see the nobbies. the nobbies are huge blocks of volcanic rock and the waves crash into them, then because of all the holes water sprays out everywhere.
the next day we drove to wilson's prom (didnt get lost!). wilson's prom is a national park and it was so cheap to get in! i was amazed, only 10.20. the main road throught he park is pretty uneventful and is surrounded by 'bush'. suddenly you get to a point with a huge valley on the left, then the ocean appears to the right. the beach we went to was called squeaky beach, because the sand squeaks under your feet! it was a gorgeous beach, literally the most beautiful beach i have ever seen. there were giant rocks everywhere and the sand was amazing. it felt very surreal to be in such a beautiful place. after the beach we headed back to melbourne.
last night after babysitting i went with pat to the rooftop cinema opening party. i dont go out as often as i should so it was kind of neat to see all of the well dressed melbourne hipsters drinking on a roof in the middle of the city. it is a really nice bar and i am looking forward to getting up there in the next few weeks.


view on the other side of the nobbies.

squeaky beach.

pat and his mom.

squeaky beach.

pat's mom at squeaky beach.

being crushed by rocks.

pat's mom on the rocks.

tight fit!