i saw some bands i have seen before, but there were a few i had never seen. the first night i saw man man, great live show. there was a break in the rain so the crowd was going crazy, most of them were incredibly drunk. the next day i was blown away by the energy during the bronx's performance, there wasnt another performance during the weekend with the same hold over the crowd. i finally got to hear little red, an australian group i have heard a lot about. one of the lead singers, quang dinh, was fantastic and im looking forward to finding out more about his solo project. grand salvo (mentioned in a previous post) played as well. it was the last morning and it was great to listen to his songs while getting little glimpses of the sun. we ended the festival with adam green's performance. his energy was fantastic and was able to get the crowd to smile (which after all the rain and gloomy skies was a pretty big accomplishment).
here are some photos from the weekend. i didnt take too many because i was afraid all the rain might ruin my camera. ive never been so wet in my entire life, hopefully all the rain will get victoria out of its drought.
the tent collapsed...
fatima all dressed up for the cold!
sandi stuck in a sink hole.
olga found a dollar in the mud and kissed it.
boots in the mud.
a shot of the crowd.
a group shot. minus danae. :(