my newest craft project has been embroidery. over christmas i bought a nice instruction book from sublime stitching. made these cards last week.
card in progress.

the finished project (minus the custom initials. don't want to give away who i sent it to before they get it!). i will tell you it is going out west.

this card will be sent overseas.

this card was sent to the west coast

sxsw 2010 occurred.
a lot of people came in from out of town; jenny b and katherine p stayed at my place.

there were about 10 people from colorado who came down in one van.

i was lucky enough to be able to meet up with ricardo after not seeing him for two years! couldn't believe it had been that long.

by the end of the week i think jenny and i saw somewhere around 30 bands in four days. not a bad turn around! including the melbourne based band the crayon fields.

another highlight band was the morning benders, saw them twice.
the week ended with a huge bbq in honor of jenny, chris, and amos's birthdays. started at 4:30 in the afternoon and continued through the night until 2 am. here is a group shot! hard to believe you can have so many people wonderful people in one place.

amos was recording in the studio so he was running a bit late, which meant he wasn't there to blow out the candles. jenny and chris were sad.

jenny ate amos's name and amos ate jenny's nns.

a band from philadelphia called the hermit thrushes showed up around midnight. here is a picture of me and andrew doing a high five handshake.

jenny was more responsible than i was and took a lot of pictures/videos during sx. once she puts them up online i will re-post some of them here!
work has been going well. still working as a temp at the agency, but thanks to marc and anna i have also started working a few hours a week as a receptionist at c3. this is still a new adjustment, i will have more to share after working there a bit longer. i am in charge of four phone lines, it is a bit intimidating, but i think i am handling it alright so far.