Friday, August 26, 2011

summer daze

school is back in session for the fall, and i didn't update my blog once this summer! time has flown! i am excited for this semester, not only am i in classes that seems like they will be very interesting but i only have classes two days a week. i go from 8-5 on tues and thurs, but this means i can work mwf and have the weekends off if i like. trying to decide if i will stay on-call with mom's best friend or if i will attempt waitressing again.

the summer was good, spent about a month in kentucky observing at a few facilities in lexington. i observed at st joseph's east hospital (with wonderful aubrie), cardinal rehabilitation hospital and the commission for children with special needs. it was wonderful to get some hands on experience and spend a little extra time with my family. speaking of family, tommy and amy gave birth to lincoln thomas quisenberry on july 9th! a new baby cousin! they seem to be doing well, only had a little correspondence via texts and emailed pictures.

after leaving kentucky i went to colorado for the 4th of july, you can't beat the wonderful view from cheyenne mountain. it was nice to be in cooler weather for a bit as well. drove back down to austin with my mother and she spent a long weekend with me. we did a lot of running around (even visited the alamo drafthouse twice!).

summer school went well; took statistics and audiology. i enjoyed audiology much more than i thought i would and have decided to switch from a speech pathology masters to audiology doctorate. this means i will have a few more years of school, but hopefully it will offer more job opportunities and a higher salary.

austin is great, but the town is feeling empty. tsouni moved back to london, gwynne and cameron moved to denver, and my friend leigha moved back to boston. seems a lot of people are pursuing options outside of texas. however, i do still have some great friends here, and now i have people to stay with in other cities! with the weather acting the way it has i can't blame them for leaving. we have had 70+ days of over 100 degrees, supposed to be 110 tomorrow. fortunately one can always go swimming at barton springs.

my birthday is tomorrow (can't believe it has been a fully year!). i am going thrift shopping with jenn in the morning, having a massage in the afternoon and finishing up the day at a breast cancer benefit. should be a great day!