Thursday, January 1, 2009


happy holidays everyone!

christmas here in australia was pretty interesting. on christmas eve i went over to pat's house for a few drink, the weather was beautiful and we were able to sit outside for most of the evening. during the day it was so warm i actually wore shorts! unbelievable. christmas day i went with the bayston family to al's parents' house in camberwell. it was a gorgeous house, with two massive libraries. all of al's siblings were there with their significant other, and quite a few kiddos were running around. lunch was delicious, loads of fresh veggies. after eating the kids went swimming, they have been taking swimming lessons and have improved greatly. after digesting a bit the baystons drove me home to brunswick, and chris was having a party in the backyard. he spend christmas eve with his family, so this meant he had a bbq for 'all those who have nowhere else to go'. he invited people from his backpacker poker night. by the time i got home there were about 6 people left. we just sat on the back couches and talked about being in australia, most of the people were from other parts of the world. i met a very nice couple anna (finnish) and owen (irish), and they were drunk of their faces. eventually the house next door started to have a party, and since our back gate was open most of their friends stopped by our house first. eventually anna and i decided to go over for a look at the house. the house is similar to mine, just flipped upstairs. after exploring for a bit we went back to my house and continued to talk. i went to bed pretty late, all in all it was a pretty wonderful christmas. laid back, warm and i had some wonderful unexpected company.

i didnt have many plans for new years eve. i went to sandi's friend al's house, i only knew about three people there at first but as the night went on we all got to know a bit about each other. eventually we left their place and headed to fitzroy to another one of their friend's house. very laid back evening, but still a good time. i missed not having alex and stephen around, i spent the last two years with them, maybe next year...

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