this is megan, she is wonderful and we have a lot in common. we are strangely similar... she really has to 'wee' in this picture. :P

ps pat lives with her
here is a photo of all of the girls. from left to right it goes sandi, danea, eliza, fatima (also one of pat's roommates), and olga. olga burnt her fingers at work which is why she is holding them up that way, she is also the one who got me the cafe job. this was taken in pat's living room on mexican night #2.

this is a view of my backyard.

here is my kitchen.

my living room.

half of my current bedroom, i will be moving down the hall next week. my new room will be a bit smaller, but will cost a lot less.

my room used to be a kitchen so i have my own sink!

al took us to a footy game at the mcg. it was a neat experience even though i didnt know what was going on.
it was richmond vs hawthorn. richmond won.
this is a picture of hannah, gabe, and al. leisa and josie didnt come to the game.
pat and i took some lychee berries from megan. after peeling them and eating a little i decided they looked like eyeballs and held one up to my face.
obviously it was hilarious.
this was also the same night pat, fatima, megan and i stayed in and talked about farts for about five hours. we just kept telling jokes and laughing. it was definitely one of the funniest nights of my life.
last wed pat and i went to meet with some couchsurfers at the st kilda pier. there are these tiny little penguins who live on the rocks near the pier, they come out just after dark and make some of the cutest noises i have ever heard.
went out after work on thursday with fatima, megan, danea, and eliza. we went to a place called bar open, it was pretty nice there. the couches were very comfortable.
friday night pat and i went to wintertones and had a blast. the bands were really good (even though i didnt know most of their names at the time). we saw local acts pikelet, bachelorette, beaches, crayon fields (my favorite, the guy is also in another band called sly hats) and love of diagrams. beach house was the headlining band, they were pretty great as well. the place was pretty empty to start but filled in to max capacity within an hour. the bands played on two separate stages, so it was a pretty large space. there were so many by the time beach house went on that it felt like a sauna!
i had to work yesterday but went out afterwards. kate (the girl who did my training) is moving to new york so there was a small going away party for her. afterwards we went to northcoate to eliza's friend's house. it was just a house party and i didnt stay too long since i was tired from working this past week. this morning danea, eliza, pat, and i went out for breakfast. we went to this tiny restaurant that only had about five tables, very cute. i had baked eggs (i had never heard of them), they were a bit strange but it was a good breakfast all in all. those girls are hilarious.
things are settling into a routine here. it is nice to finally have a job and actually be making some kind of income. work is nice, everyone is really friendly. however, i am glad i will only be working here for a few months, i really couldnt imagine doing it for longer than that.
righto. the library closes in about ten min and i still have to find a book! my reading list is running low so if you have any suggestions for what i should read next please let me know.
Have you read the Twilight series yet?
sounds great, girl. good work!
you've likely read 'middlesez,' but if you haven't, you must. it's my favorite book ever, and a great read when you're away from the u.s.
err, 'middlesex.' by jeffrey eugenides.
You and your lychee berries are hilarious. I saw Helen yesterday. I miss you still!!!!
Our Darling Cousin Joan. We miss you like mad back here in Bristol and think about you all the time. Your blog is great and we read it with avid interest and laugh out loud with pride at what you are up to. The flat looks great and a kitchen sink in the bedroom is such a bonus!!!! Badger badger badger... Snakeeeeeee!!!!!
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