Friday, November 28, 2008

thanksgiving down under

since the last post ive been doing a lot of the same thing. working a lot, still saving. things are slowing down now which is good. meredith is two weeks away, then it will be christmas, then time for falls, and soon after i will be off on more adventures. time is flying.

i celebrated thanksgiving a few days ago with pat and sierra. we cooked dinner at pat's house. it was a lot of fun. good company. good wine. good food. not much more a girl could ask for!

we cooked:
twice baked potatoes
mashed potatoes
mac and cheese
a frozen apple pie (which i SWEAR tasted like chicken soup!)

pat was in charge of the twice baked potatoes, here he is with the finished product. he looks like a super dweeb.

the full table.

my plate. lots of carbs... im still exhausted from digesting.

even possum had some dinner.

nana's pie and vienetta. we are pretty sure nana (as larissa would say) had alzheimer's.

all in all a very good thanksgiving. for those of you who celebrated i hope you enjoyed your holiday! for those of you who didnt celebrate i hope you enjoyed your day as well. :P

1 comment:

~Kristie said...

That cat has devilish eyes. I think it is posessed. Hopefully it won't curse me for saying so.