-woke up pretty early so i could pack for the trip (i have a bad habit of waiting until the last minute to pack; however, i am getting pretty good at it and was able to keep my baggage down to my backpack).
-helen was heading up to cheley so she dropped me off at the airport on her way.
-the first plane was uneventful. the second plane i was upgraded to first class!
-brian and colin were running late due to weather. since i wasnt listed on the hotel reservations
and it was prepaid i wasnt allowed to check into the room until brian got there. so i left my bag with reception and walked around until about ten when they finally got in.
-we walked around union square area for a little while then stopped into a thai restaurant for dinner.
-since the boys were used to being on eastern time and we were in the western time zone we all woke up about 8 am. we adventured next door to the taylor street coffee shop for some grub.
-we then made our way toward fisherman's wharf, which was on the other side of hills like this one. the hills were so steep they actually had steps cut into them. great for the buttocks.
-our first stop at fisherman's wharf was the musee mecanique, which has all kinds of antique arcade machines. i took some videos.
-after continuing to walk down the pier we decided to take a little boat ride around the bay. the tour was pretty good, our boat was full of french tourists. we were given personal headsets to listen to some history about the bay. it was amazing how much colder it was out on the water! the bay is a beautiful place anyway.
-once the boat trip finished we stopped in boudin's for some soup. then we walked up to ghiradeli square. we found a neat art gallery called dennis rae. amberlee rosolowich is one of my new favorite artists.
-after some consideration we decided to buy a city pass since it included most of the museums we were interested in visiting, as well as unlimited bus/cable car rides. if you are going to san francisco, this is a real deal.
-we caught the cable car back to our hotel (brian rode on the side in the front of the car!!!).
-emma came round for dinner. we walked up hills (both ways!!) to north beach and ate at a restuarant called the stinking rose. apparently it is a bit touristy, but it was pretty tasty. garlic ice cream is actually better than you would think.
-woke up around 9 then headed out for coffee at a little cafe.
-colin figured out the bus system and we headed out for the academy of sciences. this is one amazing museum. they have an aquarium, platetarium, living roof, and all kinds of neato stuff.
-after exploring for a few hours we stopped in for some dim sum. pretty much everything was super meaty so i ate too many seasame seed balls... puke-o-rama.
-stopped into the hotel for some R&R and ate dinner at mel's drive in.
-i was so tired when we got back i fell asleep in my clothes.
-had breakfast at our usual place then headed out to the exploratorium. my favorite station had these hot and cold coils twisted together, when you placed your hands on the coils it sent conflicting information to your brain (is this hot? is this cold?). it would read your experience as pain, however it wasnt actually painful.
-we walked all the way through the marina district and ended up back in fisherman's wharf. i love being able to just walk and be able to figure out how different neighborhoods connect.
-had some dinner and headed back to the hotel. i played amateur surgeon on brian's iphone, im so addicted.
-brian and colin's last day!
-went to the museum of modern art for a few hours before heading down to the mission district to meet up with my cousin's friend anhoni. she works for sf station, a cultural guide to san francisco.
-stopped into mission pie for a slice, then we headed towards valencia street. we stopped in all kinds of boutiques. they sold everything from stationary to taxidermy mice. we also walked down some of the mural alleys.
-headed back to the hotel to pick our bags since we were checking out. we had dinner in the restaurant downstairs, then the boys headed to the airport and i headed to emma's.
-emma's house was having this massive party. her housemate does painting in the backyard and decided to have a mini-art gallery opening in their house. he set up a big board out the back and they spray painted designs.
finished picture
back of emma's house
went to bed about 3 am. pretty rad party, everyone was incredibly friendly.
-woke up about ten and listened to the lucksmiths until emma and oliver got up. we made our way down mission street to a little mexican grocery where we bought wonderful fruit and things to make croissantwiches.
-after eating oliver had to go pick up his bike. emma's friends emma and matt stopped by for some socializing. we were going to go play kickball, but it was canceled last minute.
-we sat around talking for a few hours then started to make our way to oliver's house in oakland. matt and bonnie were driving so i squeezed into the truck with them. emma took the bart.
-oliver's house is amazing. all the rooms have lofted beds, which isnt that bad considering the ceilings are unbelievably tall. the back yard is a monster yard! emma will be moving there so she plans to make it into a nice garden. also during the summer bonnie and matt will be living in a tent in the backyard. it will be a great place over the summer.
-we cooked dinner. we had black eyed peas, cooked greens, corn bread and key lime pie.
-stayed on the couch. i had a weird dream about melbourne.
-woke up and showered. sat with emma for some one on one time. it was wonderful to see her! seemed like we had just hung out last week. i think it will always be that way with her.
-before heading back to san francisco emma had to check on her bees. YES BEES! they were amazing, such calm creatures. i was only wearing my normal clothes and didnt get stung.
-we caught the bart back into the city. san francisco seems like it has qualities from all the places i have lived, im 90% sure i will be moving there once i figure out logistics.
-we hit up the mission for some burritos and sat in dolores park for a while. talking talking talking.
-emma needed to do some research so we went to a coffee shop. i wrote postcards while she worked on her computer. emma number 2 came down and joined us for a walk back to emma's house.
-we stayed in and watched netflix movies while drinking wine.
-headed to get bagel sandwiches in the mission. emma needed to do a lot more research so i hit the city on my own.
-i caught a bus to the presidio. this area is amazing because you go from being in residential areas to a forest just by crossing the street! while walking through i didnt see a single person until i got to the national cemetery. i then found my way to the pet cemetery (katherine told me about it!).
-i continued along until i reached crissy field. i walked around the exploritorium again. then i heard from emma and we were going to meet up at the conservatory of flowers (most museums are free the first tues of the month. good thing to know). then i looked in my guide book and realized it closed at 4:30, it was 4:20. we met up in haight and ashbury instead. we did some window shopping, i eventually broke down and bought some cute clothes for my nephew.
-andrew was going to meet us at casanova around 7:30 for drinks. i had never met andrew before, he used to work for radio 1190 and is one of the best tour guides in all of san francisco. he has been living there for about eight years and from what i could tell knew everyone in the mission. we had some thai food then got ice cream from bi-rite creamery. they are known for mixing weird flavors like salt/caramel or balsamic/strawberry. emma had to head home after ice cream so andrew and i went to a bar for some more talking.
-he walked me back to emma's and i went to bed.
-emma and i did a whole lot of nothing. we cooked some coconut rice with mango and had fruit salad. her friend tara came over for a visit. tara is wonderful, we got along so well.
-emma was helping her friend tovy (tovi?) put on an event called risky business old surfers of the second wave. i am pretty sure this is the exact event, i didnt keep up with my journal the last few days. since emma was volunteering i went out to dinner with tara and her friends. after watermelon margaritas and smores nachos tara and i went to a bar near emma's to wait for her. went home and went to bed.
-it was my last full day!
-woke up and packed all my stuff back up. enjoyed a coffee with emma and caught the bart to the airport. it took a little bit longer than i thought it would to get there, i almost missed my flight. however i was extremely lucky and the plane had been delayed, by the time i got through security the plane was just pulling up to the gate. it was a direct flight from san francisco to denver.
-my dad picked me up and we drove back to the springs.
i am now located in colorado springs until i figure out my next step. if anyone knows of any part time jobs etc please let me know! i am not sure where i will be moving (denver and san francisco are my two top choices), and i am open to just about anything. for the meantime i will be buying a bike and taking up hobbies. suggestions welcome.
1 comment:
I'm so glad you took those videos at the musee mechanique! Andrew seems to know everybody not just in the mission but all over the whole city. I would love to come visit you in SF! But I guess living in Denver wouldn't be bad either since I'd actually get to see you all the time. Good luck sorting things out!
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