Monday, May 2, 2011

east side boil

for the last ten years my roommate (jeff) and landlord (daniel) have been throwing a crawfish boil. it started out as a group of friends and has grown into a huge event. they throw a huge party, but also raise money for the east side community center. this year daniel raised about $15,000 and 600 people attended. i didn't eat any of the crawfish but had a good time anyway!

truck from louisiana, the trailer truck combo was as long as the house. the trailer had three separate cookers for the event. 

boatloads of corn (didn't actually get through all of it). 

 crowd at the start of the day.

people eating.

crowd towards the end of the day. 

annie ray took pictures.  here i am with some of my speech therapy friends.

roy enjoying the leftover boxes.

luckily daniel had interns pick up most of the yard! it is all back to normal, possibly even better than  before.

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